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Anti-immigrant and Anti-religious Attitudes in Western Europe

Ahead of the EU Council’s working session (i.e. the meeting of the heads of state or government of all EU countries) scheduled on June 28 and 29, sixteen EU Member States met yesterday in an informal summit in Brussels with the aim to renegotiate the principles allocating responsibilities over migrants among Member States.

The summit, which ended with no main achievements, followed the new Italian government’s refusal to welcome the rescue boats Aquarius (see previous article) and Lifeline carrying migrants attempting to reach Italian shores.

The hardline approach towards migration adopted by the far right populist League’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini triggered violent criticism worldwide and deeply divided Italian public opinion. Over the last few years, anti-migrant stances have spread across Europe and led to the rise of far right populist parties in Austria, France and Italy.

The Pew Research Center in the United States conducted a survey of nationalist and anti-immigrant attitudes in Western Europe, examining possible links with factors such as age, political and religious affiliation and familiarity with migrants. Italy ranks first in the strength of anti-immigrant and nationalist sentiment among EU Member States.

The Rescue Ship of the German NGO Mission Lifeline (Image Source: Il Fatto Quotidiano)

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