Roberta Vannucci on Stonewall and Italy's LGBTQ+ movement
Roberta Vannucci, Director of Florence's Queer Film Festival, talks about the impact the Stonewall uprising had on Italy's LGBTQ+ movement.

36 Hours in Brussels
Michaela at the EU Parliament in Brussels First on the itinerary was a day at the Parlamentarium, the visitors center of the European...

Remembering the North African Holocaust in an Age of Technology
“They didn’t understand. They said, ‘What do you mean your grandmother was in the Holocaust? It was only in Holland, Germany, Poland.’ I...

The Press in Distress: Alexandra Borchardt Discusses Digitalization in The Media
In the midst of a traditional media shift marked by digitalization, skepticism, and the decline of local news channels, the future of...

Treedom of the Mind: Sustainable Growth through Tree-planting
From left to right: Francesco Ferrini, professor from the University of Florence, and Federico Garcea, Co-Founder and CEO of Treedom,...

Perceptions on Difference in Italy: Local Scholars and Activists Give Their Take
NYU Florence faculty Angelica Pesarini introduces A Conversation on Immigration in Italy This semester, NYU Florence hosted a Dialogue on...

Artivism: How an Anti-Camorra Community is Fighting Crime with Art
From large scale murals to wall installations to a few words sprayed across a crumbling wall, I could feel the presence of art...

Una situazione particolare
This Monday, we will be hosting a screening of the international classic “Una Giornata Particolare” on campus followed by a talk with...