EU in Focus Day 2: Acting, Museums, and Waffles
Museums, role playing, waffles, chocolate, without a doubt Day 2 in Brussels was filled to the brim with back-to-back activities that...

EU in Focus Day 1: An Insight into European Politics
Let’s start from the very beginning. Which, and I am definitely not complaining, would be incredibly early in the day. 4:45 am to be...

Salute to a Republican
Like most angsty college students, nothing makes me feel more alive than watching accredited intellectuals bash political parties that my...

Encountering Poetry: A Student's Perspective
No one I know could imagine me at a poetry reading. They know me as the physics-obsessed, horse girl of Ocala, Florida. My closest...

Caterina Guidi: The EU’s Response to the Migration Crisis
Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset On Tuesday, October 3, migration analyst Caterina Guidi presented an overview of the European Union’s...

Italian Politics Adesso! (Fall 2017)
When I first left to study abroad in Italy, it occurred to me that, despite committing to live in the country for several months, I knew...

Remembering Primo Levi
Video by Riley Hubby, NYU Florence Student I reached out to a non-existent tissue in my bag. I would understand Primo Levi’s words and...

Climate Change in the Trump Era: US Withdrawal from The Paris Agreement
Sea levels will rise. Growing season will be different. Hurricanes will become stronger. Precipitation patterns will change. Unless you...