Understanding the Israel-Palestine Conflict and Italy’s Role In It
We break down the essential information on this clash in the Middle East, plus how Italy has pivoted its stance towards the two sides during
Human migration along the Balkan route, from Rorandelli's project Trans Europe Migration 2015
"Rorandelli's images skillfully depict the narratives
of people who have faced immense struggles,
yet never cease to take action and strive for a better future"
-Emma Comrie
Italian Documentary Photographer Rocco Rorandelli will be joining us next week to talk about his work and his unique approach to photography. Learn more about Rorandelli in this profile, created by NYU Florence students Helen Bermudes, Emma Comrie, and Gabby Lozano.
Email us if you want to volunteer as a writer, reporter, photographer, videographer... any form of creative and insightful content is welcome!
Coming soon!