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Ishion Hutchinson Reading tonight at Villa La Pietra

"Post-Postcolonial" poet Ishion Hutchinson will be reading from his work tonight February 5, 2018 at 6:00pm, at Villa La Pietra.

Ishion at the ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival

"The Jamaican-born poet Ishion Hutchinson’s second book, “House of Lords and Commons,” is a study of place and memory rendered in what used to be called “the grand style”: the timeless, high-literary idiom that nearly anyone who has ever learned the language would identify as “poetry,” based on its sound alone, and that nonplussed readers of contemporary poetry sometimes say they miss. Of course, the irony is that timelessness itself can seem dated; modernism emerged in part to change the acoustics within which lines of poetry were heard. Our ears changed, and fewer and fewer poets of note wanted to make those old sounds. There are analogues in nearly every art: modes and vocabularies that we accept in the work of the past but which seem, in new work, like period reënactment or, if the seams are exposed, like postmodern bricolage."

-Dan Chiasson, 'Ishion Hutschinson, Post-Postcolonial Poet', The New Yorker, November 21, 2016

Read the full The New Yorker profile here

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