Inside the Italian Electoral System, from the American Eye
The issues at large in the upcoming Italian election have received global attention in the press and on social media. International audiences, including Americans, are becoming aware of the tensions surrounding the parties and candidates, and have naturally drawn comparisons with recent political events in the United States. Despite the existence of some evident common threads, elections themselves look starkly different in Italy and the US - chiefly because of the dissimilar electoral systems and styles of government. Italy is widely known for its complex electoral practices, which are frequently revised and refashioned, including a new set of laws that will govern the upcoming vote on March 4. The use of bodies such as an electoral college and the three branches of government will be familiar to Americans however, but both systems have their own unique operations and mechanisms that make the democratic process come together.
Here is a quick guide to understanding the similarities and differences of the Italian and American electoral processes.

Research by Jessica Purcell