Quiz: What to Know About Citizenship Law Around the World

Angelica Pesarini discusses the connections between contemporary Italian political discourse on race, citizenship, and belonging; the history of Italian colonialism in East Africa; and the complications of using the category ´mixed race' at La Pietra Dialogues' on February 26, 2018.
In an increasingly globalized society, belonging and citizenship are complex and varied. With rising far-right, nationalist ideology in Italy and abroad, questions regarding who is a citizen and who is not are at the fore of political discourse. For many immigrants, the concept of "home" is in flux. Despite some standardization imposed by the EU, the vast majority of European citizenship laws are unique from country to country. In the United States, the fate of thousands of undocumented immigrants hangs in the balance.
Learn the basics of contemporary citizenship law - from the United States, to Italy, Japan, Russia, and more - with this interactive quiz created by the LPD team.
Research by Jessica Purcell. Main photo by Manan Pandey.