An Update on the Situation of Artist Shahidul Alam, incarcerated in Bangladesh

Acclaimed Bangladeshi photographer Shahidul Alam remains incarcerated in Dhaka, Bangladesh since his arrest on August 5 for "damaging 'the image of the nation'" following his support of student protestors arrested after participating in a demonstration. Calls for his immediate release have multiplied amid reports of ill treatment and a need for urgent medical attention.
Read the following reports and statements:
"The imprisonment of Bangladesh's most respected photojournalist illustrates the country's drift toward autocracy."
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, "Who Is Afraid of Shahidul Alam?", The New York Times, August 20, 2018
Joint statement from PEN International, August 10, 2018
Human Rights Watch, August 6, 2018
United Nations Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner, August 13, 2018
"British Artists Join Fight for Release of Bangladeshi Photojournalist"
Vanessa Thorpe, "British Artists Join Fight for Release of Bangladeshi Photojournalist", The Guardian, September 2, 2018
James Estrin, The New York Times, August 16, 2018
For updates follow FreeShahidul on Facebook and Twitter, freeshahidulalam on Instagram and the hashtag #freeshahidulalam